Business Doesn't Stand Still or Wait Around

We keep you up to speed with the cutting edge of business and growth.

What is PIVOT?

A PIVOT, as it applies to business, is an effective management tool used to change course when  the current  direction is not working well or working at all. It is about constant refinement and improvement to systems, products and services, always striving to be the best.

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Who We Are At #PIVOT

PIVOT  Magazine is a destination for Business Leaders to get meaningful content that can be applied to your everyday business to help you grow, scale and keep ahead of your competitors every step of the way.

After all, business doesn't stand still or wait around. 

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When we work together, all things are possible...

You spoke, we listened. When you said there needs to be a publication that makes sense to business people and has entertaining and valuable content, we got to work.

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